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Be the SSACC Member for the Better India. It is easy, safe and secure.

New Delhi | 13th October, 2019 

SSACC (Samaj Seva & Animal Care Centre) introduced new membership and Active volunteer process it is easy, secure and safe. We at SSACC believe in transformation according to the time. SSACC believes equal participation among the Organization for the nation building. We believe in Secularism, Nationalism, Social Justice, Democracy, Equality and Inclusive Growth. We at SSACC provides equal opportunity to perform and get involved in the functioning of the Organization at National, State, District and Block level. We have frontal Organizations of Youth, Women, Sadbhavna & Students. Which are spreaded among the country. SSACC is India's Largest and Newest Public Welfare Organisation. Let be involved among the 10,000 Members and More than 9000 Active members among the World. Let serve our country against all odds includes Child labour, Cruility against Animals, Violance on Women's and etc. We are here to inspire freshers, youth, womens & every citizen to get involved in SSACC for changing whole world, because whole world is one family. We have Members among the world. For becoming member of SSACC it is easy, safe and secure visit For applying online membership you have to do following things: 

You have to give your necessary details such as your name, Address, Contact Info, Date of Birth and etc.

You have to accept the Rules and Regulations and Constitutional Laws of SSACC as established by the SSACC and you should accept that SSACC can send you notification via different communication methods such as Email, SMS, and postal Mail etc.

Then submit it we will check and your request will be in process. 

If your request will accept, we will issue you a Membership ID which is important for furture uses. 

This membership is valid till 5 Years. The Membership can be renewed by filling form at SSACC headquarters by giving 5 Rupees towards Organizations.

After becoming ordinary member for participating in Organizations functioning, Working at Organization and many more active features you need to apply for active Volunteers/Member. It is also easy, safe and secure and essential at SSACC. You have to pay ₹170/- towards Organization. For applying for Active member/Volunteer visit:  

For applying Active Member/Volunteer you have to do following: 

You have to provide your membership ID and your necessary details.

You have to accept the Rules and Regulations and Constitutional Laws of SSACC as established by the SSACC and you should accept that SSACC can send you notification via different communication methods such as Email, SMS, and postal Mail etc. 

You have to pay ₹170/- towards Organization for Active Volunteer/Member via PAYTM method, You have to pay ₹170 on PAYTM number 9560119469. You have to attach screenshot of conformation of payment on PAYTM. You will attach screenshot at form. 

You have to submit and we will validate it within the time period of 4-5 Days and provide you Volunteer ID. It is valid till 2 Years from present date. It is necessary to renew it via Form at SSACC headquarters. We will provide you conformation Email and SMS on your mobile phone and Email

Benefits of becoming Active Member/Volunteer: 

By becoming Active Member/Volunteer Organization will provide you IDENTITY CARD and it will send to your Residence via postal mail. 

By Becoming Active Member/Volunteer you will participate in functioning of Organization. 

Only Active Member/Volunteer will be provided the chance to gain position at Organization at National, State, District and Block level. 

Active members/Volunteer are alloweded to publish there articles at official website and magazine of SSACC The Youth India (At The Youth India by recommendation of Editor anyone can publish there article) 

By becoming Active Member/Volunteer you have right to become deligate at SSACC specified list and you will also have chance to fight election at SSACC for the post of President & Vice President.  

Active Member/Volunteer are provide special category passes for every programs & events which will conduct by the SSACC at State or National level. 

Active/Ordinary Member/Volunteer can complain against the leadership at every level. 

For gaining position at SSACC Active Member/Volunteer is required.  

We have provided you certain details about membership and Active Member/Volunteer which are necessary at SSACC. What are you for waiting for apply now for Online Membership and Active Volunteer/Member now :

For Online Membership Visit:

For Active Volunteer/Member visit:

Reading about legacy of SSACC: 

Reading Latest Post and trendings: 

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