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Teachers are not safe under Modi's Delhi Police

A coaching teacher was killed in Jahangirpuri area of Delhi. The sister of the deceased allrged that my brother loved the girl of another religion and the girl's brother had done the same thing.

By killing of this teacher one question is arosed that by killing of this teacher, It also killed the communal harmony of the country or state. Really it is going on real because the teacher who was killed had loved the girl who was muslim, one more question arise that the "Why does Delhi Police is not able to find out suspects of the case?".

On first day of October at Jahangirpuri, Delhi coaching teacher Ankit kumar who was 31 year old is shoted at the his tution centre, one unknown person tend to shot him. It is believed that Ankit's scooter is already hidden at the tution. It is noteworthy that in the Khana area of capital just 10 months ago similar masscre took place where a youth name Ankit who had loved muslim girl, had been killed with sharp weapons. One more question arose by listening this one more case that "May there is only one gang in capital who is involved in this crime and also communal harmony of the country or state?" We can note that after establishment of Modi government this case of breaking communal harmony has increased by 25%, which is bigger graph for our society.

The latest case is of Jahangirpuri of Delhi. Where the living face used to run its coaching center only a short distance from the house. He used to teach coaching to school childrens. When the people around them heared the sound of a shot, they immediately reached the spot. When they arrived there, they saw the face fell on the ground. People thought that the face was damaged. Fearing fear of current, women present there decided instead to touch the first band. However, seeing the body of Ankit was bleeding. So, this case must inquired fairly and police should caught the suspects as soon as possible.

Delhi Police is showing its rude behavior and it should inquire fastly, Our question is that "Is there is any hand of any Religies organization in this case?"

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