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Mannat Sharma's full address at Sahoday School

President of SSACC Shri. Mannat Sharma speech at Sahoday School, Delhi

Dear Respected Guests, Principle Sr. Sudha, Father Manager Peter Raj Ji, Headmistress Reshma Ji, Teachers, Management, Students & Dear Friends,

It is my pleasure to return in Sahoday and speak on the Independence Day. People and future generation of our country should know about the values of freedom and this mud of country which is priceless (Anmol). This is the land of diferent spirituals gods like Buddha, Gurunanak, Ram, and many more. This is the land of many famous princes (Yuddha) like Maharana Pratap, Shivaji, Rani Laxmi Bai and many more. This the land of Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Sardar Patel and many more who fought against Brithishers and help to independent our nation and martyred in the sake of our country.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemens,

We gathered to remember our freedom fighters and martyrdom of our real heroes. The meaning of freedom is not just to live in the free air, it is meant to express our ideas in the free envirnment but under rules and tradition, But between four years we can imagine that country is going far away from word "Freedom". Many media peoples where killed on reporting against government, The risk is just not on MEDIA it is on different Secular Organizations. Different Organization where firing are fired by the majority communities organization like RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal, & Gai Raksha Dal and many more. We want to protect the rights of the minority community on the base of Humanity.

This is first time in history that our freedoms are in the systamitical assault which cannot be tolerate in India's Democracy. Let we together fight with this hope.

In the Ancient time India was known as the "Sone ki chidia". It is more developed than any country, all country respect this developnment of India. Anyelse developnment can not be don in that ancient period. Let work selfless and gave our country those days of development. Every person should have contribution in that developnment it will be a child or a Adult or a Senior Citizen or a Womens.

Dear Friends,

Let we together work for stronging our democracy and institutions. Sahoday School's vission "Sah-Uday" mean developnment for all will alive for forever. I think in the leadership of the Sr. Sudha and Fr. Peter school will climb steps of developnment in the education sector and in the sector of the human developnment. Once again, wishings to all on Independence Day.


Jai Hind.

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