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RSS: A Land Capturing Organization

RSS (Rashtriya Swam Sevak Sangh) is one of the land capturing organization in India. They run there most of the branches at the public parks or public places and then they capture that land and announce that this land is owned by Branch of RSS.

This becomes one of the biggest Land scam in India. People doesn't aware about this biggest land scam. The 67% of the branches (shakhas) of the RSS are runs at the public parks and public places. There main motive is that after the some years than they announce that land as the owned by the RSS. This scam by RSS is exposed by Samaj Seva & Animal Care Centre & the official magzine youth nation of SSACC

Motive Of RSS

Main motive of RSS is to run the Branches (Shakhas) at different districts and different levels at country. RSS wanted to influence the people coming at there branches from there and BJP (Bhartiya Janta Party) ideology for Non-Secular and many more In-Nationalist ideologies. RSS firstly bring some childrens of small age or youth age and any age at there branches and then thet motivate them to sing there song, play different games and etc, then they take class of childrens for 1/2 hour or 15 minutes telling about the ideology of RSS & BJP. They does brainwash of that people who cames to there camp and that children influenced by there Ideology and they tell all positive information about there leadership and BJP leadership.They tell there advantage and give there wide information.

After This classes of RSS

After this class children and people came to there classes totally influenced by there ideology. There classes have full effect on the brains of childrens they totally influenced by there ideology. This is one of the brainwash to the minds of the childrens. RSS is one of the biggest supplier of the ideology of BJP and there government. There leadership does there daily camps at there branches. There most branches at governments's land like parks, public places etc. After the influence those childrens supply these information among more people who is anti-RSS ideology.

Monthly checking by Main Leadership

RSS central leadership send there inspector at monthly and yearly level which comes to these branch as the chief guest to inaugurate more games at the these branches but the real work of inspector is to inspect that the ideology of RSS is supplying properly to these peoples or not. They inspect that teacher who running that daily branch and they note his/her teaching quality and summit there reviews to there central leadership.

Ideology of RSS

Ideology of RSS is to supply the beliefs of the Hindu religion among these children's and influence them from there ideology and when they come to at age of majority so they will vote to BJP on appeal of RSS. There main ideology is In-Secular and development of majority community of India and developnment of Hindu community allover the world. They are totally against the religious steps by minority of country which makes them In-Secular.

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