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By the Iniciative of Shri. Mannat Sharma & Ms. Mehak Sharma the Samaj Seva & Animal Care Centre (SSACC) announced 14th June, 2018 as the Satya Diwas. Satya Diwas is announced to remember our Ideals and organize function on different topics, Organization fixed the topic this year "Importance of Education". By saying to the Youth Nation magazine Secretary of SSACC Ms. Komal Sharma says that thinking of Shri. Mannat Sharma is to remember our ideals & India's legacy on this day, she also said that this is the historic day when we are celebrating 1st Satya Diwas on 14th June, 2018.

SSACC also announced the Satya Achievement Award on occasion of Satya Diwas 2018-19. SSACC announced 8 names for the Satya Achievement Award 2018-19.

This name includes the name of UPA Chairperson & former president of Congress party Smt. Sonia Gandhi, famous Taekwando player Ms. Triveni Hartika, Former Prime minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, Ex-Mayor, Delhi Smt. Jai Shree Panwar & many others famous personalities. Shri. Mannat Sharma will take the visits of there Hme and distribute this award to this personality. This awards are given to the personalities because of there respective field and there contribution in there respective field and there contribution in society. Shri. Sharma also extended his greetings to all nominated names.

Our good wishings on first Satya Diwas!!!!

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